
Pupils ponder puddles and tadpoles

December 24, 2021 BY

Splish, splash, splosh: Stuart McCallum demonstrates the bailing technique to the grade fives who had a go at moving the water to roadside dams, protecting tadpoles. Photo: SUPPLIED

ST Mary MacKillop Catholic Primary School pupils continue learn from the Friends of Bannockburn Bush about how to best protect and appreciate the native life within their local nature reserve.

With gumboots donned, the school’s science specialist Nicole Sadler said her grade 5 students have been investigating the significance of the Reserve’s many big puddles, with guidance from the Friends – especially Stuart McCallum – and their senior educators.

“The anticipated onset of warmer, drier weather motivated [them] to start bailing puddle water last week,” Ms Sadler said

“The remnant water from roadside puddles was bailed into drums and then relocated to strategically placed roadside dams, so as to provide longer lasting water sources for all animals and plants, and greater chance for emergent tadpoles to become frogs.

“Students also relocated some pond grasses and reeds, as well as fallen logs to the dams to provide protective habitat for small water-based animals.”

Grade 5 pupil Matilda was fascinated and proud that her cohort could help some of the area’s native creatures to thrive.

“It was amazing how a little group of grade fives can change a little tadpole’s life and make the natural habitat even better,” she said.

“I know that everybody including me loved the experience of being able to help our local community.”

A Landcare schools grant covers materials and transport needed to run the project.