Stay up to date to keep kids safe

Informative: Ballarat East Neighbourhood House’s Sarah Greenwood-Smith and Kay Miller will host two workshops on updated child safe regulatory standards this month. Photo: FILE
WITH updated child safe standards introduced by the State Government last year, Ballarat East Neighbourhood House staff are looking to catch people up on the changes.
Two workshops will be held this month aimed at familiarising people with the changes applicable since July, 2022.
BENH community governance officer Kay Miller will be one of the people hosting the free sessions and she said it’s important organisations are up-to-date on how they interact with children.
“A lot of community groups may not realise they’re actually required to comply with these standards,” she said.
“We want to alert groups to its existence, then we’ll take people through the 11 standards and give them some templates, resources, and show them some support so they can take them to their group.”
The first workshop will take place from 10am to 12pm on Wednesday 19 July at Barkly Square while the second session is online and runs from 6pm to 8pm on Wednesday 26 July.
The regulatory updates were recommended by the Commission for Children and Young People, and expand the number of standards from seven to 11.
Ms Miller said the rule changes represent a significant reform for community groups.
“This started in 2012, 2013 with the Victorian Betrayal of Trust enquiry and out of that came the Royal Commission, then the child safe standards were adopted by Victoria,” she said.
“This isn’t a tick-the-box thing. It’s about changing culture within an organisation.”
Visit to book for the in-person workshop and for the online session.