Staying safe around water

Summer safety: Parents and carers are being urged to ensure they are always actively supervising children around water. Photos: FILE
ROYAL Lifesaving Victoria’s keep watch water campaign is reminding parents and carers about the risk of children drowning.
In the last decade there have been 197 drowning deaths of children aged under five in Australia and 65 per cent occurred in a pool or bathtub.
Most swimming pool deaths took place when the child was unsupervised.
The campaign reminds parents and carers to actively supervise children, restrict their access to water, teach water safety skills and to learn how to respond in case of an emergency.
Justin Scarr, Royal Life Saving Australia CEO, said it is crucial one adult is always actively supervising children when they have access to water.

“It is vital you keep constant watch and restrict access to water around the home,” he said.
Swimming pools are the leading location where children drown, and most deaths occur in a backyard pool.
Most children accessed the pool via a gate which was propped open or not closed properly.
“If there is a lapse in supervision, a correctly installed and regularly maintained pool barrier can prevent your child from drowning,” said Mr Scarr.
“Always check you’ve closed the pool gate behind you, never leave the gate propped open and restrict children’s access to outdoor areas without adult supervision.
“We are reminding parents and carers that kids can’t help themselves around water, you need to. Keep watch.”