Step forward for footpath strategy

July 18, 2024 BY

n track: The Draft Footpath Strategy is now open for community consultation. Photo: FILE

GOLDEN Plains Shire staff are seeking community feedback on the Draft Footpath Strategy after it was endorsed for exhibition at the recent ordinary council meeting.

The draft strategy was developed following community consultation in 2023 including three in-person community forums and one online opportunity.

The strategy aims to help the Shire manage current footpaths and develop pedestrian networks in every town by building and upgrading infrastructure over 10 years.

It identifies and recommends places for future upgrades and construction priorities.

“Footpaths and walkways play a significant role in connecting our communities and providing means of access to community facilities, services, public transport and open spaces,” said mayor Cr Brett Cunningham.

“The strategy ensures council can effectively prioritise future upgrades, new footpath construction and proactively plan ongoing maintenance for all users in the Shire.

“I encourage residents to view the Strategy and look forward to receiving their feedback throughout the public exhibition period.”

The strategy is open for feedback until Thursday 25 July online, which can be made by email to or mailed to Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC, 3331.