Concerns shared over a cuppa

Coffee time: Stuart Grimley has been touring Western Region this month to listen to community members’ issues and ideas. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
EVER sat down for a coffee with a pollie?
Ballarat residents had the opportunity have chat with Member for Western Victoria Stuart Grimley over a cuppa at the Golden City Hotel last week.
The Western Victoria upper house MP and state leader of Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party said he’s been visiting cities and towns to listen, and identify their local issues.
“We want to see if there’s anything we can do in parliament to advocate on their behalf, and go into bat for them, because it can sometimes be hard to get things done,” he said.
“For people who are frustrated with processes and systems, we’re happy to help where we can. We never make any promises or guarantees, but we keep expectations realistic.
“With my experience as a police officer, I get a lot of justice-related concerns, complaints and issues, and I can help to explain processes to people to strengthen their understanding.”
Feedback from the initiative has highlighted public transport and access to housing as some of the key issues in many communities.
“The transition of people from metro to regional areas is all good and well, but the infrastructure is not there, and the housing remains a massive issue, with for workers and professionals like doctors, nurses, and teachers coming into these towns struggling to find decent housing,” Mr Grimley said.
“We’re constantly meeting with the planning and regional development ministers about getting housing back out to the regions. That’s a work in progress.
“There’s plenty of good ideas in the regions, and we’re suggesting a travelling housing summit to get these good ideas out there and start some conversations.”
While in Ballarat, Mr Grimley also met with representatives of Loud Fence, and the HMS Collective.
Later he headed to Linton in the evening to meet with more community members from the north of Golden Plains Shire.
“These smaller country towns can sometimes be missed, so Linton is another targeted location for us to get out and have a chat with the locals,” Mr Grimley said.