Supportive, social pony space open for visitors

Buy, swap, sell: A gear market gives riders a place to sell excess horse equipment like saddles, boots and blankets. Photo: FILE
TROT along to Smythesdale and District Pony Club on Sunday, 15 March from 10am to 3pm to discover their open day.
Member, Sarah Hiller said the team will be accessible to answer queries, give club information and offer viewings.
“The idea is that prospective members or anyone interested in pony club can come along, have a look, see the kids having their lessons and what a normal rally day is like,” she said.
“It’s a chance to meet the members. We got the kids to do rider profiles so our members are recognisable. Even if people don’t have a pony but want to see what people do at the club, they’re welcome.”
Ms Hiller said pony club is a social space where children can spend a whole day in the fresh air alongside human and furry buddies.
“It’s a great chance for them to make friends, learn about their ponies, their riding, and the instructors help inspire them. The kids help each other and boost each other up.
“We take children from as young as three and our oldest member is between 24 and 26,” she said.
A gear market will give horse lovers the opportunity to sell any equipment they may have lying around at home, whether that be saddles, boots, blankets or general riding gear.
“Everyone’s always advertising excess gear that they’ve got. They can sell it in the one spot, check out everyone else’s gear and they might be interested in pony club,” Ms Hiller said.
“It’s a chance to target a different group of people who might not normally think about coming along.”
Horse welfare group, Project Hope will have a stall on site as beneficiaries of fundraising by Smythesdale and District Pony Club.
Visit to register a stall. For more information email [email protected] or call 0408 155 332.
Find the Woady Yaloak Equestrian Centre at 5 Lords Road, Smythesdale. The first 15 visitors will receive a showbag.