Survey serves up food question

Clucking great: Residents are being asked to share their opinions on shopping for, eating, cooking, growing, and the farming of, food in Golden Plains Shire. Photo: FILE
RESIDENTS of Golden Plains Shire are being invited to take part in a survey about shopping, eating, cooking, growing food, and farming in the region.
The questions are part of a community food survey that’s aiming to create a better understanding of current food systems, and areas which are a priority.
The results of the survey will be used by the Shire and Sustain: The Australian Food Network to develop a Golden Plains local food network.
The aim of the group will be to provide residents and producers with an opportunity to make decisions about the local food system.
“The objective of the Golden Plains local food network is to empower residents to actively contribute to decisions regarding their local food system,” said a Golden Plains Shire spokesperson.
“This collaborative platform will facilitate discussions on local food systems issues, assess strengths and challenges, influence policy and support or initiate programs, addressing local needs.”
The network will be made up of 10 to 15 people and meet multiple times throughout the year.
Applications to join are set to open early this year.
“We extend an invitation to individuals aged 18 or older, residing, working, volunteering or studying in Golden Plains, to participate in our community food survey,” said the spokesperson.
The survey is open until Monday 4 March and can be found on the Golden Plains Shire website.