TAFE awards honour student excellence

February 25, 2023 BY

Top talent: 2023 Federation University Australia Apprentice of the Year Aidan Murphy with Ali Couppe from the Rotary Club of Ballarat South. Photos: SUPPLIED

FEDERATION TAFE’s annual excellence awards ceremony has celebrated the institution’s high achieving trade students.

Held at the Mining Exchange last week, plumbing student Aidan Murphy was named the 2023 Federation University Australia Apprentice of the Year.

“Plumbing is a great trade to get into, hands on, which I love, and has a lot of problem-solving aspects too,” he said. “It’s nice to get some recognition for the hard work.

“I really enjoyed all of my schooling; learning different things, older ways of how things used to be done, the friendships you make with classmates, and just some of the people that worked there really cared about getting the best out of you.

“That was the main part, having someone dedicated to helping you learn the most you possibly could and be the best version of yourself at school you could be.”

Building design student Barbara Muller was awarded the EJT Tippett Outstanding Achievement honour.

The subject is a long-time interest for Ms Muller, but a new career pathway, and she said the award is a highlight of her studies at FedTAFE.

“I looked into doing this course when I was younger, but I had small children and thought it would be too hard,” she said.

“I went to the uni open day four years ago, wandered into the TAFE section and met the most amazing teacher, Dante Sarpa, and he was just as passionate about building design as I was.

Federation University deputy vice-chancellor and chief executive TAFE Liam Sloan with EJT Tippett Outstanding Achievement honouree Barbara Muller.

“He became my mentor, my friend and was absolutely brilliant, as were all the teachers. I couldn’t have done it without him.”

An auto spares manager by trade, Ms Muller has been a mentor to other building design students and said she will continue to contribute to, and advocate for, the department, as she aims to go into project management in the long term.

“My time studying at Federation TAFE has been one of the most enjoyable of my life, so much so that I am continuing with studies to one day return as a teacher and share my passion with others,” she said.

“To those who think they can’t go back and study, don’t say that. Even when things are hard and you can’t see the whole staircase, take the first step you can see.”

Engineering teacher Justin Bisson won the FedTAFE VET Teacher/Trainer of the Year, education support student Ashlee Colquhoun was named FedUni Trainee of the Year, and Liam Proctor and Alyssa Longridge both received the Growth Award which highlights Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ excellence.

Federation University deputy vice-chancellor and chief executive TAFE Liam Sloan congratulated all recipients.

“These awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of Federation TAFE’s students, apprentices, trainees, and teachers as well as acknowledge the support of our local employers,” he said.

“The award winners have shown a great attitude and approach to their studies which reflect the qualities industry are seeking.”

Twenty-seven people were acknowledged across 20 awards, which were supported by local Rotary clubs.