TAFE student takes top training award

August 28, 2023 BY

Passion and dedication: Federation TAFE deputy vice-chancellor and chief executive Liam Sloan with Victorian Vocational Student of the Year Barbara Muller. Photo: SUPPLIED

FEDERATION TAFE student Barbara Muller was honoured at last week’s 2023 Victorian Training Awards.

At the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, the advanced diploma of building design (architectural) student received the Vocational Student of the Year and people’s choice awards for her passion for the sector, and dedication to TAFE work.

“Receiving the Victorian Vocational Student of the Year Award is the proudest moment of my life,” she said.

“I am both excited and humbled and look forward to representing Victoria in vocational study at the Australian Training Awards.

“It means so much to be recognised for my efforts and I can honestly say without the support of the Federation TAFE community and my incredible children I could not have achieved this.

“To those considering undertaking vocational study, this experience has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding journeys of my life, so just do it and enrol now.

“You won’t regret it.”

Minister for Training and Skills, and Higher Education, Gayle Tierney, awarded Ms Muller, who was one of 15 honourees.

Diploma of information technology student Gabriel Gervasoni was a Trainee of the Year nominee, while and engineering teacher Justin Bisson was up for Teacher/Trainer of the Year.

“Federation TAFE is on a journey to becoming the number one TAFE in Victoria, and it is an honour to have three finalists,” Federation TAFE deputy vice-chancellor and chief executive, Liam Sloan said.

“All of Federation TAFE is behind Barbara and cheering her on to win the national award in Hobart later this year.”