TAFE’s best get excellence nods

Top educator: Weld Australia awarded the Victorian Training and Education Individual Teacher honour to Federation TAFE’s Tony Monagle. Photos: SUPPLIED
FEDERATION TAFE staff and students have been highlighted at two prestigious awards nights this month.
At the Golden Plate Awards, certificate III in commercial cookery apprentice Alexis Saville was named 2022 Apprentice of the Year, while welding and metal fabrication teacher Anthony Monagle was given the Victorian Training and Education Individual Teacher honour at the Welding Excellence Awards.
Mr Monagle said he was humbled to be acknowledged by Weld Australia.
“The award is recognition of the work I undertake in welding and metal fabrication with apprentices and night welding students,” he said.
“The award recognises my achievements in the work that I do on behalf of Weld Australia in the welding inspector qualification as well as the examination and testing.”
Federation TAFE pro vice-chancellor vocational education and training, and CEO, Liam Sloan said the school is proud to have Victoria’s welding teacher of the year on their staff.

“I’m pleased this award recognises the world-class teaching talent we have here at Federation TAFE,” he said.
Saville works at two-hatted Daylesford Japanese restaurant Kadota but began her apprenticeship at Beppe Kitchen and Bar. She said she couldn’t believe she’d won a Golden Plate award.
“I’m really happy to be able to use all the knowledge everyone has taught me along the way,” she said.
“I want to continue cheffing in future. This award will give me a real boost of credibility. If I decide to start my own business, I’ll have this under my own belt.”
Another commercial cookery apprentice Peter Dawson, who works at The Shared Table in Buninyong, was highly commended in the same Golden Plate Awards’ Apprentice of the Year category.
Teacher to both Saville and Dawson, Murray Lewis, said both young chefs are hardworking.
“Their attention to detail is excellent,” he said. “Alexis is working in a two-hatted restaurant which is just top notch and very demanding and she does well under pressure.
“I had the pleasure of teaching Peter during his VETIS times, and again during his third year. He is a diligent and talented cook who works hard and shows maturity beyond his years.
“To have two out of that same commercial cookery cohort be nominated, and then to have them place first and second, is such a good result. Federation TAFE continues to attract high quality students.”