Taste sensations on burger’s big day

Tasty team effort: The Western Hotel’s Dan Cronin and The Park Hotel’s Jason Yean got into the burger spirit on Monday. Photo: CHIPPY RIVERA
THURSDAY, 28 May marks National Burger Day, and Plate Up Ballarat has the area’s hospitality community set to feed the city in celebration.
Plate Up Ballarat director, Kate Davis said businesses including The Yacht Club, The Park Hotel and The Western Hotel will have special burgers on their menu from the 28th until Sunday, 31 May.
While the annual, month-long Plate Up Ballarat festival can’t go ahead for 2020, this new tasty initiative provides an alternative avenue for collaboration.
“In the past we’ve done campaigns like this with pies and toasties. It will challenge chefs and venues to put their best burger forward, and it’s nice in this time to do something to brighten someone’s day and bring joy to people,” Ms Davis said.
“Over 15 venues have said they would love to be involved which is just incredible, and a very positive thing. Plate Up Ballarat plays a role in hospitality to bring everyone together.”
The Western Hotel’s part-owner and manager, Dan Cronin said it’s an ideal exercise to stay connected with other hospitality venues.
“Feeling like we’re a part of a group, at the moment, is as important as anything in hospitality. The sector in Ballarat is very close and we work together very well,” he said.
Beyond peer support, the community response throughout the pandemic has been “heart-warming” for Mr Cronin.
“They’ve rallied around and supported, not only hospitality, but local business in general, so it’s been fantastic. Hopefully supporting local businesses, internally and externally, will flow on when we find our pathway out,” he said.
Lola at The Provincial, The Tin Roof, Europa, The Turret, Ballarat Trotting Club, Billy’s Bistro, Hop Temple, Golden City Hotel, The Shared Table, The Mallow, Mitchell Harris Wines, Freight Bar and The Red Lion are also already signed up, too.
All participating venues’ varying burgers will be announced shortly. Watch facebook.com/plateupballarat for details.