Thousands raised by enthusiasts

Wheelie good: Dave McKenna testing the nerves of event organiser Lance Clohsey. Photos: BAYLEY COCKING

ALMOST one-thousand eager hot rod, car and motorbike fans have flocked to the Buninyong Car and Bike Show on Thursday, 9 January in order to help raise money for bushfire relief.
Buninyong’s De Soza Park and Crown Hotel hosted hundreds of classic muscle cars, hot rods and chopper motorcycles in order to raise over $33,600 for the National Bushfire Disaster Appeal.
The evening included raffles and stalls, with street stunt bike rider Dave McKenna performing a range of exciting motorbike moves in front of an astonished crowd.
Event organisers Lance Clohsey and Brad Quiddington were personally affected by the fires in Eden and Mallacoota and felt inspired to raise money for bushfire aid.
“My family and I ended up spending New Year’s Eve on the floor of the Eden Fishing Club, as that was the emergency evacuation centre,” said Mr Clohsey.

Both organisers were astounded at the turnout, as the fundraiser was only organised in five days.
Hairdressers and barbers from King’s Crown Barbershop were also present on the evening, with director Martyn Pearce donating all money earned to the cause.
“Whatever a hair cut costs is what we ask for in donations, a little bit more if you can afford to. It’s all going to charity, a hundred per cent,” he said.