Times wins award for journalism

November 18, 2022 BY

Eggscellent effort: Golden Plains Times staff won a best news story award at a recent industry event for coverage of Shire councillors’ decision making on a chicken farm at Shelford. Images: ERIN BUSH

THE Golden Plains Times has received a nod for quality journalism at the annual Victorian Country Press Association awards.

Winning in the Best News Story Award Under 2000 Circulation category, the article titled Proposed chicken farm cracks council was published in the 2 September 2021 edition and co-written by Alistair Finlay and Edwina Williams.

The story covered the machinations of a Golden Plains Shire council meeting, and subsequent fallout, relating to councillors’ failure to make a decision on a chicken farm development in the Shelford area.

In awarding the prize to the Golden Plains Times judge Darren Robinson noted several high-quality aspects of the article.

“This was a really entertaining and insightful piece of local journalism, well done,” he said.

“Readers would have been drawn into the story with the intriguing headline and accompanying image. The clean layout also makes it a pleasure to read.

“Congratulations to Alistair and Edwina for shining a light on their local council’s planning application process.”


Editor of the Golden Plains Times, and co-author of the award-winning story, Alistair Finlay, said it was rewarding and humbling to be acknowledged.

He also said he appreciated the judge’s comments regarding many aspects of the piece, not just the words.

“It’s always gratifying when our industry peers recognise all of what we do,” he said. “We try to put a focus on a collaborative approach to putting together our papers.

“Whether it’s a shared by-line with our now senior journalist Edwina Williams, or crafting headlines and selecting images with our production manager Erin Bush, this award reflects the hard work of many members of the Golden Plains Times team.

“I’d like to thank the VCPA for the award and my colleagues for their ongoing support and collective dedication to our mastheads – it’s impossible to do any of this without them.

“I’d also like to thank the readers of the Golden Plains Times. It’s a privilege to serve this community.”

Other Times News Group papers to take home gongs at the VCPA awards include the Bendigo Times, which is also managed by Mr Finlay and Ms Bush.

There the newspaper picked up Best News Photo Award Over 6000 Circulation and Best Photo Study Award Over 6000 Circulation.