
Tool Library gets ready to lend

January 19, 2021 BY

Hit the mark: The Ballarat Tool Library team have received hundreds of donations which will be borrowed by the community. Photos: CHIPPY RIVERA

THE Ballarat Tool Library is set to open for member borrowing on Saturday, 6 February.

Committee member Jay Morrison said the community resource space has been 10 months in the making and gathered hundreds of donated tools through three equipment collection drives.

“We’ll start off lending a lot of commonly used garden tools and around-the-house repair tools, as well as some more interesting items,” he said.

“There’s quite an eclectic mix of stuff. We have everything from a badge maker, through to star picket removers, and almost antique but very well-loved woodworking tools as well.

Volunteer Greg Jakob at the most recent collection drive last weekend.

“We’ve been lucky to receive a grant from the City of Ballarat to purchase some brand-new tools, like a lawn mower and pressure washer, that people might not necessarily need in their sheds, but need to use them once or twice a year.”

Rather than just dropping in on the Tool Library’s opening weekend, members will need to register their interest, join online and fill out some documents.

On the website, members will then be able to organise all their reservations and bookings before they drive up to Barkly Square via the Princes Street carpark to grab the gear.

“We’re really excited to be at the Ballarat Group Training building,” Mr Morrison said.

“It’s a great community hub which gives us a lot of space to grow, and we will be working to grow the Library as much as possible over the coming years.

“We think it’s great to be alongside a lot of other fantastic community groups like the Men’s Shed and Ballarat Wholefoods Collective.”

Visit ballarattoollibrary.org for more info. The Library will open on Tuesdays, 5pm to 7pm, and Saturdays, 10am to 12pm.

Champions of sustainability and recycling, the Ballarat Tool Library is in partnership with Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions, BREAZE.