Two-day event offers a lot of jobs

Opportunities: BGT’s jobs and training expo is back for another year at the Civic Hall and the Goods Shed. Photo: FILE
ALL things employment and education will be on display at an upcoming expo hosted by BGT Jobs and Training Ballarat.
More than 100 organisations will be discussing training and employment opportunities in Ballarat and the surrounding areas.
As part of the two-day event there’ll be seminars on topics like careers in renewable energy, apprenticeships, and working in the hospitality industry.
“The expo is a careers, training and skills expo that will host over 800 organisations and employers,” said event organiser Emma Hart.
“It’s a great chance for attendees to talk to professionals in industries of interest.”
The expo is designed to showcase what Ballarat has to offer.
“Hopefully people who attend get a chance to meet employers and to learn what jobs are available,” said Ms Hart.
“It gives them an opportunity to see what’s out there at the moment and awareness of everything Ballarat has to offer.”
On the day attendees will be able to chat face to face with people in an industry they are hoping to find work in.
There will be a careers hub at the Civic Hall sponsored by Jobs Victoria providing help with employment pathways, as well as resume and interview preparation.
“The idea behind the expo was to offer an event for anyone in Ballarat to come along to see all the opportunities available for careers and training and we wanted to hold it centrally so it was easily accessible,” said Ms Hart.
“Attendees can meet people face-to-face and meet people who are actually in the industry so they can talk about their experiences.”
As part of this year’s even there’ll be space for local hospitality businesses to attract potential staff, as well as offering interactive workshops on skills like coffee making.
“We have a hospitality booth this year which will host some great hospitality venues such as the Forge Pizzeria, Aunty Jacks, 18th Amendment Bar and Mitchell Harris,” said Ms Hart.
“They’ll be offering a lot of advice and doing some interactive workshops.”
The Ballarat Jobs and Training Expo is set for Friday, 16 and Saturday, 17th between 9.30am and 3.30pm both days.
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