UFS expanding in the city

Under new banner: UFS Pharmacy manager Kathryn Fischmann welcomes customers to new store. Photo: SUPPLIED
REGARDLESS which direction you are travelling on Sturt Street there are now two UFS pharmacies to choose from.
UFS Dispensaries has opened its newest outlet at 616 Sturt, opposite its current 24-hour Supercare Pharmacy at number 717.
Lynne McLennan CEO of UFS Dispensaries said, “This is an exciting step in our goal of being a leading healthcare business that meets future as well as current health needs in our communities.
“UFS has been an integral part of the Ballarat community providing caring and professional service for 138 years.
“We are delighted to now be offering this same level of support from the UFS Pharmacy at 616 Sturt Street.”
The organisation has 18 pharmacies in the western region of Victoria, and three pharmacies in Melbourne.
Parking was one of the factors that drove the idea for the new store.
There is meter parking in front of the Supercare Pharmacy whereas the opposite side of Sturt Street is free parking.
“The newest store will provide convenience for customers travelling from the hospital precinct towards the CBD during business hours,” Ms McLennan said. “We will offer a personal boutique style of retailing in the pharmacy at 616.
“We are working on providing personal professional services in the future, the type of special amenities we are unable to give in our busier and larger shops.”