Unis ready to open their doors

August 11, 2023 BY

Learning opportunities: Federation University, along with Australian Catholic University, will be holding open days in Ballarat this month. Photo: SUPPLIED

BALLARAT’S higher education institutions will be opening their doors this August to give prospective students a taste of university life.

Both Federation University and Australian Catholic University, or ACU, have a range of events and offerings.

At FedUni, campus tours will be available along with course advice and opportunities to make connections with employers.

IBM, Westpac, Ambulance Victoria, Ballarat Community Health, Central Highlands Water, The Y Ballarat, and accounting firm RSM Australia will also be on site sharing their knowledge and providing personalised advice.

“We are delighted to be welcoming the community to our beautiful campuses to share everything we have to offer as we embark on exciting changes through the rollout of our co-operative education model,” said Federation University vice-chancellor and president Duncan Bentley.

“Through this model, from 2025, all courses will be designed, developed and delivered in partnership with industry, and students will receive work integrated learning to give them a valuable head-start in their career.”

At ACU there will be a chance to chat with current students and staff with presentations on topics ranging from course information to accommodation and university life.

Associate Professor Mellita Jones will be sharing various overseas opportunities which are available to education and arts students.

These include immersion trips to the Solomon Islands and Kiribati.

“The programs that I run overseas are extra-curricular programs that try to expand students experience in the Asia-pacific region,” said Ms Jones.

“What we’re trying to do is enhance our student’s intercultural competence and understanding.”

Education students get hands on experience working in local schools.

“For these programs we work in schools and in the Soloman islands they teach a class of primary school children for four weeks and get a really strong understanding of the different culture,” said Ms Jones.

“We are very individualistic in Australian culture but these cultures and very community focused.”

Students see many benefits to participating in these experiences including growing confidence and developing new perspectives.

“The biggest thing we see is the expanding of students worldview,” said Ms Jones.

“Often, they say they had no idea how a lot of the world lives and learning about that community focus is a big thing they come back and talk about.

“They also talk about feeling a lot more confident as a teacher, so they really develop their sense of teacher identity.”

Ms Jones encouraged prospective students to consider these trips when selecting a university.

“One of the things that I think sets ACU apart is that our mission does drive these types of opportunities because it is about social justice,” she said.

“I think it’s a very unique thing that ACU offers students.”

Federation University’s open day will be held Sunday 13 August and ACU’s will be held Sunday 27 August.

More information can be found on the respective university’s websites.