Upskilling for emerging artists

March 18, 2023 BY

Sharing and learning: Local artist Anne Langdon will lead a textural collage session. Photo: FILE

EACH visual artist has a unique way of expressing themselves, and creative minds in the Golden Plains Shire have an opportunity to see, and try, others’ practices.

As part of a new workshop series which will run until the end of the year, diverse artists, from collage and mural makers to junk up-cyclers and paper animators, are coming to Bannockburn Library to share their skills and process with creative attendees.

The workshop leaders will also aim to give advice to support the emerging artists in attendance to further their creative practice, find their own niche, and understand their potential.

“We’re proud to present programs like this, closely aligned with our Connecting and Thriving Library Plan, working on creative partnerships and new cultural programs and events for the local community,” Geelong Regional Libraries CEO Vanessa Schernickau said.

“This is a great chance to both highlight and support some of the wonderful artists in our local communities, and for people of all ages to connect, and perhaps learn a new skill, and like most events and workshops at our libraries, the workshops are totally free.

“We’re delighted to partner with Golden Plains Shire on this wonderful series of workshops.”

Upcoming workshops include paper animation using a smartphone with Samantha Thompson textural collaging with Anne Langdon, the creation of a community mystery mural with Lindy Allison, and a few more.

All free sessions will be held at the Bannockburn Library, 25 to 27 High Street, Bannockburn with an aim to engage new members and visitors. The workshops are also a chance to offer paid work to each artist.

Visit for more information on the sessions coming up, and visit to register.