Voice FM ready for new home

Moving in: 1 December will see 99.9 Voice FM begin broadcasting from the station’s new purpose built facility at Barkly Square. Project manager Chris Berry, announcer Peter Schoutens and volunteer Phoebe Morrison have been helping set up. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY
BARKLY Square is not only home to many community groups, it’s now permanently home to the community’s Voice, 99.9FM.
Shifting from their Dawson Street premises, Voice will restart broadcasting from their new state of the art radio station in Ballarat East on Sunday, 1 December.

This week has seen lots of the not-for-profit’s equipment move into the space, last minute fit outs of technology and induction sessions for excited volunteers, whether they help behind the scenes or are on-air presenters.
Voice FM Chairperson, Ron Egeberg has busily led the relocation with the support of the Voice board and the station’s passionate volunteers.
He said the move would not have been possible without broad, generous community support like that of the Lillingston Charitable Trust and Wes McKnight at Widgery and Wilson.
“It’s also a credit to our tradespeople and our skilled volunteers who have provided technical and IT expertise,” he said.
The board of Voice is determined, and excited about their vibrant and sustainable future.
“From 9am on Eureka Sunday, Ballarat and the region’s all-abilities accessible community radio station, 99.9 Voice FM, will provide opportunities for training and youth development,” Mr Egeberg said.

“Our community is the audience and the makers of our exciting community radio station into the future. Our new 99.9 Voice FM is Ballarat’s community voice and it’s about where we live and work.
“You are the audience and the makers of our exciting community radio station, and people with disabilities can listen to our Voice FM RPH reading team read the Ballarat Times on air each Friday at 11.30am.”
Project coordinator, Chris Berry said the transition to Barkly Square has been a great “team effort.
“It’s just come up beyond expectations. Once the plaster, glass and doors came into the space, it came to life then,” she said.
“The studios are more welcoming, open and expansive when compared to the current Dawson Street space, which had reached capacity.
“It’s safe, secure and more accessible for people of all abilities. The physical aspect is finished, but the heart and soul is now coming in with our volunteers.”