Temple seeks support for tree planting

Peaceful: The temple and meditation centre is set in quiet bushland near Navigators. Photo: SUPPLIED
WAT Thai Bhavana, Mount Helen’s Buddhist temple and meditation centre is encouraging Ballarat to support their annual tree planting campaign this month.
Although the public can’t visit the grounds due to COVID-19, committee secretary Dip Yuanjit said the centre’s monks will action planting of over 40 olive trees, 22 almond trees, more than 50 pittosporums, and over 20 cherry trees.
“We always plant trees, and usually have a day where people come and plant trees and flowers, but we can’t do that this year,” he said.
“People can donate money to buy the plants or drop them off so the monks can plant.”
Mr Yuanjit said anyone is welcome at the Thai Buddhist temple, for cultural education with a meditative focus.
“We have plans for the grounds where people can walk around and learn about Buddhists. We’ll put a story around the temple in the areas where we’ll grow the trees,” he said.
“We want to have fruit trees and flowering trees to decorate the grounds, so it’s beautiful in spring and people can do walking meditation and study outside.
“The trees will help people to be peaceful and quiet. That’s our goal, and when people come back in years, they can be reminded of the tree they helped grow.”
For Mr Yuanjit, tree planting is one way the community can work together apart.
“We wish that everyone stays safe so hopefully we can share our culture with our Ballarat community again soon.”
To find out what species are needed, express interest in donating funds or a tree, make contact via facebook.com/events/344844993569310 or email [email protected].
Visit watthaibhavana.org.au.