Weaving from worlds away

Looming: Prue Simmons is coming to Ballarat this April to teach the art of Japanese weaving. Photo: SUPPLIED
A CHANCE to weave with one of Australia’s three accredited Saori teachers is set to happen in Ballarat.
Focussing on the craft of Saori weaving, the workshop is run by Prue Simmons and being held at the Centre for Rare Arts and Forgotten Trades on Saturday, 22 April.
Simmons is an expert in freestyle Japanese weaving and will be taking the class through the steps to use a Saori weaving loom.
“Saori weaving is designed so that it’s a meditative style of weaving, so rather than having to follow patterns its more dedicated to freestyle creativity so it’s very much about playing,” she said.
“There is no such thing as a mistake so it’s very relaxing and freeing.”
Simmons discovered the art form in 2007 while she was living in the Japanese mountains.
“I came across it very accidentally when I was volunteering my way through Japan to experience the culture,” she said.
“As a thank you for building a pizza oven, the owner who was one of the very first Saori teachers took me into the weaving studio and taught me.
“I was instantly hooked even though I didn’t come from a textiles background, I was a zoologist from a scientific background.
“I stayed in the mountains, and I apprenticed under this beautiful woman.
“I ended up having to return to Australia, but I was gifted a loom, and I was the very first person in Australia to have a Saori loom.”
Simmons said she loves the environmentally friendly aspect of Saori weaving.
“It’s a really sustainable form of craft and that’s something I hold really dear,” she said.
“Being a zoologist, I’ve seen so much degradation and what our planet is trying to cope with first hand, so to me having a lighter footprint is really important.
“In Saori weaving you don’t have to use a particular type of yarn you can use what’s already around us.
“A lot of our textiles are now made offshore, cheaply, and possibly not in the nicest conditions and we have a lot less appreciation for it.
“There’s so much sustainability to Saori and this is what sets it apart.”
To learn more about Simmons class or work visit raretradescentre.com.au.