Week to celebrate wetlands

February 2, 2024 BY

Celebrating nature: The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority is running a series of activities for Ramsar week. Photo: SUPPLIED

LOCAL wetland sites are set to come into the spotlight with Ramsar Week happening in mid-February.

The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, or CCMA, will be holding 10 activities to create awareness around local Ramsar wetland sites.

Ramsar sites are wetlands which have been designated as internationally significant under the Ramsar Convention.

It is hoped creating more awareness around the sites will lead to the protection of the wetlands and their wildlife.

“We are thrilled to offer this event and provide individuals with an opportunity to upskill and gain valuable knowledge and tools to contribute to the preservation of these ecologically significant wetlands,” said Rachel Beecham, project officer of biodiversity at the CCMA.

“Ramsar Week is a testament to the commitment to environmental stewardship, inviting people to connect with the richness of the plants and diverse wildlife thriving in their local landscapes.”

Activities will include wetland bird ID walks, canoe tours, water skink surveying and an orange-bellied parrot information session.

Two Ramsar wetland sites are located with the CCMA’s catchment including the Port Phillip Bay and Bellarine Peninsula site and the Western District Lakes site around Camperdown.

Ramsar week will run from Monday 12 February until Friday 16 February and to book in for an activity visit the CCMA website.
