Where to dig in Ballarat?

October 19, 2019 BY

Uncover the past: Archaeological heritage discovered in an urban landscape. Photo: BILL WHITTAKER

RESIDENTS are being encouraged to identify any historical archaeological sites they might know of in Ballarat.

By placing a marker on an interactive map on council’s mySay page you can help Heritage Victoria identify study areas for an archaeological review of the city.

What Heritage Victoria is specifically interested in is sites which contain an artefact, deposit or feature 75 years or more old which can provide information on the history of Victoria.

For a nominated place to be included in the review it should require unearthing to uncover and discover its settlement, development or use.

Heritage Victory is not looking for historical buildings or standing structures. Nor do they want information on Aboriginal archaeological sites, as these are managed by Aboriginal Victoria under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

Ballarat Mayor Cr Samantha McIntosh said the Heritage Victoria review links in with council’s Our People, Culture & Place: A plan to sustain Ballarat’s heritage 2017-2030.

“Our heritage preservation has been shaped by UNESCO’s pioneering Historic Urban Landscape approach, on which the City of Ballarat is leading the way globally,” Cr McIntosh said.

“This approach takes the viewpoint that there is more to heritage than just buildings, it’s just as much about what is below ground as above ground.”

For further information or to pin a place go to mysay.ballarat.vic.gov.au/ballarat-archaeology-review.