Winter Woollies’ cosy creations combat the chill

Wrapped with warmth: Winter Woollies for Ballarat founder, Sandra Knight also coordinated the collaborative ‘yarnbombing’ of a tree. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
FACEBOOK community, Winter Woollies for Ballarat has made major donations of handmade blankets and clothing to The SoupBus, and Pop Up Shop for the Homeless.
Last October, the online group with a membership of 395 Ballarat wool workers, was challenged by the forum’s admin team to knit or crochet 35 large rugs of single bed size, to warm the charities’ clients.
Winter Woollies for Ballarat founder, Sandra Knight said they received that number, and some.
“We got 106, not to mention all the other bits and pieces… 130 small rugs, 130 scarves or cowls, 97 pairs of gloves, 252 hats, 92 pairs of socks or slippers, one shawl, two ponchos, three pairs of shoes and three pairs of thongs,” she said.
“We have also collected several boxes full of baby and children’s items, and we’ve made a whole lot of face washers out of cotton, just as a nice little gift for a person that may be feeling a bit down.”
This week, as winter arrived, the haul was split and given to the support agencies. With sustainability in mind, everything was delivered in cardboard boxes or reusable bags.
“They were very, very pleased. There were rugs and things everywhere. They were very grateful, as always, and hopefully there’ll be some warmer bodies around town,” Ms Knight said.
Having donated to other organisations in the area like the Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre, Eureka Mums, WRISC Family Violence Support and aged care facilities, she said the group has had warming feedback.
“They’ve said their clients are overwhelmed by our generosity. Maybe their nan used to crochet or knit and they haven’t seen it for a long time, so they actually know how much goes into our work.
“To hear back that people appreciate what you’ve done is a big thing,” Ms Knight said.
Winter Woollies for Ballarat’s coordinators are grateful for the skill and creativity of their members, and most of all, their kindness.
“Every time we ask, they give. It’s amazing… Very humbling.”
The Facebook group was born five years ago when Ms Knight heard of a fellow maker “randomly” giving her creations to others on the train.
“I thought, we can do something with that. It made me want to help others and make a difference,” she said.
Members are producers or supporters of knitting and crochet work, from beginners to experts.
“One lady actually will buy jumpers from the op shop, take them apart and redye them, which is amazing work,” Ms Knight said.
“We also have taught people how to crochet or knit, and in the future, I’d like to get back into that.”
The community’s first ever project was to craft 500 hats for the 500 homeless people around the city. Together, the group made just under 1000, and that campaign started a cosy trend of challenges.
The group is already getting a start on their next task which will support Food with Thought, a small group providing home-cooked meals to those in need.
Running until Tuesday, 30 June, larger sized blankets, gloves, slippers and beanies for both children and adults are required.
Get in touch with Winter Woollies for Ballarat if you’re interested to contribute via