Youth space shut for accessibility works

Community asset: The more than half-a-million-dollar Golden Plains Youth Hub was opened last year. Photo: FILE
YOUNG people throughout the region’s south will be without their regular activities space later this month with the Golden Plains Youth Hub temporarily closed to allow for an expansion.
The Bannockburn-based site will be shut from Monday, 22 May until late June to carry out minor upgrade works to deliver an all-gendered and ambulant bathroom.
Costing $50,000, Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the expansion will mean a more accessible place for the region’s youth.
“In order to increase capacity and accessibility at the Golden Plains Youth Hub, Council will be installing an additional all gender, ambulant toilet,” he said.
“The current capacity of the Golden Plains Youth Hub is 20 people and while that will continue to service the offering of youth programs in the short term, council has taken the opportunity to extend capacity by up to 75 people.
“This additional capacity will greatly increase council’s ability to offer more programs at the Youth Hub, run multiple programs concurrently and also attract external organisations to increase the range of co-located services and programs available to young people.”
The Golden Plains Youth Hub opened in April last year, made out of a municipality-owned portable building.
Since launching, the space is used at a minimum of four afternoons a week during school terms for youth programs and activities as well as holiday initiatives.
With more than 400 young people having participated in the hub’s 2023 offerings so far, Cr Cunningham said activities will continue online and elsewhere in-person during the upgrades.
“While the Youth Hub is closed for works, we will be running programs at alternate venues within the Shire which will give young people in different areas of Golden Plains an opportunity to connect with their peers in their local area,” he said.
“We’re hoping this will have a positive effect on attendance when the Youth Hub reopens, as there will be a greater awareness of the programs available for young people in our Shire.”
Details on the substitute venues and program are available at the municipality’s website.