Youth art show seeks exhibitors

Sharing talent: 2021 entrants Annabel Dore and Brydie Collins, and curator Lilia Haughie (centre) are encouraging young people to submit their work for exhibition. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
YOUNG artists of Ballarat are invited to express interest in showing their work as part of National Youth Week celebrations at Barkly Square.
Led by The Y Ballarat, BGT and Ballarat Community Health, the show will feature visual creatives between the ages of 12 and 25 of all levels, and who use diverse mediums.
The Y’s youth and community impact manager Larelle Kuczer said the initiative is all about celebrating young people, their passions, and achievements.
“We’re hoping that this year we will have even more artwork to display. We welcome art from all young creatives, whether they are just starting out or have been creating artwork for some time,” she said.
“Barkly Square is also a great community space and backdrop for the exhibition and we’re really looking forward to showcasing the amazing talents of local young people.”
Lilia Haughie is assisting with curation and encouraging a life-long love of art within young people.
“It’s important… to demonstrate a broader world view and increased empathy of creativity from a young person’s perspective,” she said.
The Youth Week Art Exhibition will be presented from opening night, Monday, 4 April to Monday, 2 May and artists could sell their work.
Artistic excellence, highly commended, and people’s choice awards will be given to participants.
To express interest in taking part, visit Pieces can be delivered to Barkly Square before 5pm on Friday, 28 March.