BDBD Saturday Pennant Round 10 – Results

February 11, 2021 BY

Photo: FILE

Ballarat District Bowls Division





Mt Xavier 46 lost to Sebastopol 82

Bellingham, Henderson, Forrest, McGrath, 14; Matthews, Beacham, Lovell, Warner, 25; Ritchie, Dart, Forrest, McDonald, 27; Reus, Bottrell, Jones, Sargent, 24; Moran, Sargent, McKeegan, Lamb, 5; Topp, Sutherland, Garvin, Gannon, 33

Learmonth 34 lost to Buninyong 63

Mullane, Powell, Lennecke, Pym, 15; Beames, Hand, Voigt, Nicholson, 20; Ross, Moy, Casey, Powell, 11; McGregor, Sergeant, Spencer, Aldred, 21; Beechey, Griffin, Findlay, Rowe, 8; Weil, Nunn, Morgan, Wilcock, 22

BMS 46 lost to Victoria 70

McLean, Schreenan, Traill, Storey, 17; Silbereisen, Britt, Clark, Verlinden, 28; Vagg, Trounce, Berry, Bedggood, 18; Harrison, Oswin, Haynes, Clark, 17; Urch, Dickinson, Bryce, Clamp, 11; O’Loughlin, Tudorovic, Ford, Lynch, 25

Creswick 60 defeated Webbcona 50

Taylor-Irwin, Booth, Annear, Hedger, 26; Clarke, Worsley, Mahoney, McArthur, 15; Booth, Cooper, Matthews, Flapper, 13; Pattie, Van, der, Ploeg, Steenhuis, McArthur, 13; Cooper, Antonio, Blackburn, Hepworth, 21; Brown, Anderton, Collins, Lange, 22

Linton 57 lost to Ballarat 58

Landers Wilson Vandenberg Grenfell 15; Cornish Stewart Wood Wood 24; Wilson Pearce Hetherington Wilson 17; Stewart Bourke Dalgleish Stewart 20; Williams Pridham Williams Williams 25; Eastman Fothergill Annear Lennecke 14



Smeaton 89 defeated City Oval 70

Pickering, Clohesy, Toose, McKee, 19; Coxall, Coutts, McKenzie, Smith, 14; May, Mizzeni, Toose, Briggs, 15; O’Farrell, Peddlesden, Robinson, Roberts, 18; Leishman, McNaught, McCrum, Taylor, 27; Cameron, Fraser, Kierce, Magrath, 14; Kersley, Mizzeni, Sewell, Perry, 28; Roberts, Sims, Hamilton, Morris, 24

Webbcona 70 lost to Midlands 91

Grieve, Alpen, Hendy, Shepherd, 15; Giblett, Slocombe, Croft, Croft, 27; Frost, Conner, Van, Kessel, Young, 17; Wilson, Lock, Kosloff, Lock, 23; Bromilow, Marshall, Barton, Gullock, 19; Denham, Bissett, Plier, Speechley, 18; Rimmington, Edmends, Edmends, Edwards, 19; Jenkins, Peoples, Durand, Considine, 23

Victoria 98 defeated Beaufort 61

Leeson, Jackson, Chapman, Haddrick, 16; Curtis, Quinton, Hayes, Pongho, 21; Leeson, Hawkins, Coad, Stenning, 25; Broadbent, Pongho, Wereszczuk, Wereszczuk, 20; Jones, Capuano, Gorin, Dennis, 31; Topp, Quinton, Emmett, Stanaway, 11; Norman, Philipson, Capuano, McGuigan, 26; Cameron, Tucker, Milenkovic, Dunn, 9

Ballarat East 69 lost to Central Wendouree 84

Jordan, Driscoll, Dean, Anwyl, 28; Weatherley, O’Meara, Adams, Vincent, 16; Jordan, Anwyl, Kay, Dean, 15; Kaufmann, Stevens, Wilkins, Long, 18; Voss, Uthenwoldt, Biggin, Dean, 13; Hill, Mahony, Blake, Johnson, 23; Jarrett, Kay, Morley, Ryan, 13; Holloway, Forbes, Batters, Bishop, 27

Waubra 94 defeated Bacchus Marsh 69

Troy, Coloe, Stepnell, Briody, 29; Hitchings, Inglis, Holt, Bowtell, 15; Cashin, Stevens, Cashin, Cashin, 18; Davie, Hewitt, Turner, Steenholdt, 24; Clark, Molloy, Kennedy, Kennedy, 22; Auty, Boratto, Kay, Sullivan, 17; Molloy, Briody, Goldsmith, Kennedy, 25; McAuliffe, Hawken, Burke, Hawken, 13



Buninyong 77 defeated Invermay 60

City Oval 65 lost to Daylesford 92

Ballarat 78 defeated Bungaree 68

Ballarat North 81 defeated BMS 78

Sebastopol 67 lost to Clunes 79



Ballan 86 defeated Webbcona 68

Bacchus Marsh 76 lost to Sebastopol 93

Victoria 77 lost to Creswick 82

Midlands 67 lost to Learmonth 79

Central Wendouree 65 defeated Smeaton 63



BMS 85 defeated Victoria 68

Webbcona 73 lost to Central Wendouree 78

Daylesford 85 defeated Linton 63

City Oval 102 defeated Buninyong 55

Sebastopol 90 defeated Mt Xavier 86



Sebastopol 82 defeated Waubra 65

Midlands 73 defeated City Oval 69

Learmonth 71 lost to Creswick 84

Bungaree 90 defeated Smeaton 73

Beaufort 62 lost to Ballarat North 98



BMS 112 defeated Buninyong 67

Central Wendouree 60 lost to Ballarat 102

Clunes 89 defeated Sebastopol 57

Invermay 69 lost to Victoria 90



Victoria walkover from Webbcona

Sebastopol 47 lost to Linton 95

Midlands 110 defeated Ballan 67

Mt Xavier 84 defeated BMS 49



Daylesford 54 defeated Midlands 21

City Oval 6 43 defeated City Oval 5 34

Bungaree 39 lost to BMS 42

Ballarat North 48 defeated Ballarat East 24

Ballarat 23 lost to Learmonth 51