Croquet association turns 100

Club club: Ballarat District Croquet Association is celebrating 100 years this month. Photo: SUPPLIED
CROQUET, a mallet sport, played throughout the Ballarat District Croquet Association’s five clubs over the past 100 years is being celebrated this month.
Since 1918 to the present day the game of croquet, who plays and how, where the clubs are located and the benefits it provides to the community has changed.
The “artful” game of croquet continues and clubs encourage proponents of active and healthy lifestyles to participate.
Croquet, now played in the original Association format requires strategic thinking, precise ball manoeuvres and practiced mallet skills, and golf croquet, a gentler and relatively recent game variant remain popular.
Men and women throughout their lifespan enjoy the sport both socially and competitively.
The B&DCA is proud to have two of the top players in the world, both in their 20s as club members.
Better facilities, modern equipment, balls are used worldwide and improved rules to guide players enhance the quality of the game today.
Ararat Alexandra, Ballarat Alexandra, Ballarat Western, and Beaufort Croquet Clubs have welcomed new members throughout their history to learn the game and continue playing competitions and socially regularly.
With the new season underway, it is time to celebrate 100 years of the croquet, progress to more structured formats, dedicated lawns, modern equipment, a wide range of clubs to choose from and many locations visit to enjoy games of croquet.