Development clinic at growing club

Learning opportunities: The Woady Warriors are hosting a development clinic next month for under 13 players. Photo: FILE
THE Woady Warriors are calling more young footballers to join the growing club, with an upcoming development clinic part of the push.
All under 13 players who register with the club will receive access to the clinic led by Joc, also known as the Footy Coach.
His is currently the development coach with the Geelong Cats VFL team.
“Under 13s is a big step up from under 11s so we want to try and build on their foundation skills,” said club vice-president Brodie Doolan.
“We have got this guy coming from Geelong who will lead the clinic and he demonstrates how to do the fundamentals plus the next set of skills.”
Doolan said he hopes participants can learn new skills in the clinic they will use for years to come.
“Hopefully they have fun but also can pick up on some skills from a VFL listed coach that they can take away for the seasons ahead,” he said.
The club currently has one team in the under 13s division of the Ballarat Football Netball League but is hoping to expand.
“We’re starting to try and push recruitment and build a strong under 13 reserve side so we can have two sides in the under 13s and build up as we go through the years,” said Doolan.
“As part of their sign on they will get free entry to this clinic and also a Woady warriors embroidered duffle bag to help them build that pride with the club.”
The clinic is set to take place Saturday 3 February from 9.30am until 3pm at Smythesdale Reserve.
To registration closes Sunday 28 January and more information can be found by emailing [email protected].