Lismore 1 Adam Guise

September 10, 2024 BY


Group: The Greens

Adam Guise

Current occupation and background:

I’m a curent councillor on Lismore City Council. I work for NSW Health in Health Promotion.

How long in the Lismore community?

I have lived and worked in Lismore since 1999.

Community involvement?

I’ve been a councillor for eight years, advocating for sensible planning decisions, sound governance and financial responsibility.

Guiding values or principles?

I joined the Greens in 2012. The Greens are driven by ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy, social justice and peace and non-violence.

Are you or have you been associated with any political party or cause?

I am proud to stand with a party that puts the community and environment first.

Preferential voting suggestions?

Vote 1 The Greens, 2 Labor above the line for councillors. Vote 1 Vanessa Grindon-Ekins, 2 Harper Dalton-Earls for mayor.

Campaign budget?

Small, funded by individual donations and local fundraising events.

Top three issues facing your area?

A genuine flood recovery needs to be community-led. Restoring trust in council is key. Advocating for affordable and social housing.