Lismore 2 Binnie O’Dwyer

September 10, 2024 BY


Group: The Greens

Binnie (Belinda) O’Dwyer

Current occupation and background:

Solicitor, Aboriginal Legal Service

How long in the Lismore community?

I moved to Northern NSW in 1994 and to Lismore in 1999.

Community involvement?

In many campaigns to achieve positive environmental outcomes.

Guiding values or principles?

We all want to live in a peaceful and socially just society, where environmental sustainability is central to decision-making.

Are you or have you been associated with any political party or cause?

I joined the Greens because they are driven by a desire to stop the environmental degradation that is having a massive impact on the ecosystems that we depend on for our survival.

Preferential voting suggestions?

Vote 1 The Greens above the line, and 2 Labor for council; and Vote 1 Vanessa Grindon-Ekins, 2 Harper Dalton-Earls for mayor.

Campaign budget?

Small, funded by individual donations and local fundraising events.

Top three issues facing your area?

Keep services local. Safe and sustainable planning for risks such as flood and landslip.