Lismore 5 Dr Luke Robinson

September 10, 2024 BY


Group: The Greens

Dr Luke Robinson

Current occupation and background:

Specialist Emergency Physician – Lismore Base Hospital BAppSc, MBBS, FACEM.

How long in the Lismore community?

Living and working in the Northern Rivers since 2019, moved to Whian Whian in March 2022.

Community involvement?

Local Landcare activities, member of Lismore organising committee for Yes23 campaign.

Guiding values or principles?

Ecological sustainability. Social justice. Grassroots participatory democracy. Peace and non-violence .

Are you or have you been associated with any political party or cause?

I joined the Greens in 2009 because of its commitment to a genuine fair go for all Australians enabled by decent public services, and to protect our unique Australian environment and this planet.

Preferential voting suggestions?

Vote 1 The Greens, 2 Labor for council; 1 Vanessa Grindon-Ekins, 2 Harper Dalton-Earls for mayor.

Campaign budget?

Small, funded by individual donations and local fundraising activities by members.

Top three issues facing your area?

Restoring a respectful, consultative and transparent council. Respecting our precious Northern Rivers home. Restoring Big Scrub rainforest.