Understanding the living language of water

January 20, 2025 BY

Author and water researcher, Veda Austin, will tour Murwillumbah at M|Arts next month. Photo: SUPPLIED

Water researcher, speaker, and author Veda Austin is bringing her international book tour to M|Arts in Murwillumbah next month.

The New Zealand-based writer has dedicated the last decade to observing and photographing the life of water. Her belief that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism, is the basis of her new book, The Living Language of Water.

Austin’s focus is photographing water in its “state of creation” – the space between liquid and ice. Her intriguing crystallographic photos reveal what she believes to be an awareness of thought and intention.

Austin uses a simple freezing technique to reveal that water visibly responds to our thoughts, emotions, music, frequencies, words, healing, pictures, and even films.

Photo of hair braid before water projection. Photo: SUPPLIED


Even simple words have manifested into a projected form. A highlight image in the book shows what water designed after being exposed to a newspaper clipping regarding Austin’s grandmother, a passenger on a plane that went down over the Bermuda Triangle.

Austin sees water as a source rather than a resource and considers all bodies of water sacred.

This passion drives her and diverts her into primary schools where she teaches water science, which is intertwined with art projects.

A fascinating book capturing the living spirit and language of the waters. INSET: Author and water researcher Veda Austin will tour Murwillumbah at M|Arts next month. Photos: SUPPLIED


“The tamariki (children) are the water bearers of the future,” Austin said.

“Water is transparent and knows no colour, creed, or religion.

“Water does not judge, nor does it label, it will enter the body of an ant as easily as it will enter the body of a king.

“Water is our constant companion; from the moment we are conceived, it is always with us,” she said.

Professor at the University of Washington Gerald H. Pollack, PhD, said some of Austin’s images were amazing.

“Veda Austin has shown how water responds to our thinking in ways that I and others would have thought unimaginable.

“It now falls within the realm of science to see if we can explain what Austin has so beautifully demonstrated.”

At more than 300 pages containing 1,500 photos of detailed imagery, the book sticks to the author’s mission – interweaving science, art, and consciousness. Austin’s book will be available, with a meet and greet for signings after the event.

For more information and tickets, head to vedaaustin.com/event-details/vedas-talk-in-murwillumbah-nsw-australia