
Explicit teaching lifts high school results

September 13, 2024 BY
Explicit Teaching Success

Principal Tracy McGrath, captain Chloe Allen, captain Riley Harlow, vice-captain Gwendolyn Rice, Vice Captain Sarah De Vries, and head teacher of maths Tracy Kelso. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE introduction of explicit teaching at the Kadina High campus of The Rivers Secondary College has transformed student results following the recent dire NAPLAN revelations across the state.

As NSW public schools embrace explicit teaching across the system, the Kadina campus is one of the leading examples of its benefits. It has seen consistent growth in student scores, HSC results and an increased sense of belonging.

Principal of Kadina High Tracy McGrath said explicit teaching was transformative for student outcomes.

“Explicit teaching is teaching in a way where the students understand the learning, both what they’re learning and, more importantly, why they are learning.

“Our staff really understand their students and are invested in their success. The teachers know how students learn and what to do to differentiate for individual needs.

“There has been a real change, and there are genuinely positive relationships in the classroom and in the playground.”

McGrath believes explicit teaching is having an impact, with the school performing above similar schools in literacy and numeracy in Years 7, 8 and 9, and NAPLAN data demonstrating a substantial improvement of students moving from the lower bands into the upper bands.

It has resulted in an 18 per cent increase of Year 9 students demonstrating “strong and exceeding” in numeracy, and reading comprehension data had a 10 per cent increase compared with the 2023 results. One HSC student in 2023 achieved first in the state in two subjects.

For many schools, explicit teaching is a strategy and a methodology that can transform an entire school’s culture. Research shows long-standing evidence that explicit instruction, incorporating direct guidance accompanied by practice and feedback, is more effective than partial guidance for students.

In addition, the statewide annual survey designed to measure student engagement and well-being, Tell Them from Me, indicated that Kadina students communicated an increased sense of belonging.

For more information, head to education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/explicit-teaching