From the pages of the McIvor Times
150 years ago Published 4 February 1875 Local and general news Deputation A deputation consisting of the Mayor and the President of the Shire has been appointed to...
Mainly for women: fashion, food and film in the 1930s
IN the 1930s, the McIvor Times began to feature lengthy articles aimed at its women readers. Under the heading Let's go gossiping, there was a...
Towards a united front: Heathcote’s Methodists
LIKE most towns, nineteenth century Heathcote boasted a number of churches. The Anglicans and Catholics laid claim to the highest numbers of members, with the...
From the pages of the McIvor Times
150 years ago Published 7 January 1875 TO the editor of the McIvor Times Dear Sir, Where were the police on New Year's Eve, when a mob of...
Keeping the bang out of the mining boom
HEATHCOTE'S powder magazine now sits quietly in the Heathcote-Graytown National Park, but for a few years after its construction in 1864 it was an...
Bowled over: Heathcote’s 19th century cricket scene
CRICKET was a popular summer pursuit in Heathcote during the second half of the 19th century. Local clubs sprang up across the Victorian goldfields and...
From the pages of the McIvor Times
140 years ago Published 12 December 1884 THE session of parliament, which is now drawing to a close, is one that should long be remembered by...
‘Tis the season: a Heathcote Christmas in the 1860s
CHRISTMAS on the goldfields in the 1860s could be challenging. Air-conditioning and refrigeration were non-existent, and for many Europeans their loved ones were half a...
Testing boundaries: the downfall of Henry Stephenson
THERE have always been those who make a habit of minding other people's business and Heathcote's Henry Stephenson was no exception. But his prurient interest...
From the pages of the McIvor Times
140 years ago Published 7 November 1884 An extraordinary occurrence ON Thursday evening, the 23rd inst, as Mr Speed, of Heathcote, was returning from the Show at...
Roderick Gates: a life of service
RODERICK James Gates was one of late-nineteenth-century Heathcote's quiet achievers. Born in Clapham, Surrey, in 1859, he worked as a civil engineer and draftsman after...
Pitch perfect: Heathcote’s 19th century music scene
LIVE musical performances were an integral part of 19th century life at Heathcote. Commercial radio did not exist until the 1920s and although gramophones were...
The Heathcote Show: a journey through time
HEATHCOTE celebrated its 140th show this year, and we're sharing some snippets from the past to mark the occasion. These edited extracts reflect the history...
From industry to art: the Heathcote mill building’s proud heritage
LOCAL retailers Hugh Moore, James Christie and Frederick Spinks launched their new Heathcote flour mill in December 1869 and the impressive brick structure still...
Fruitful Victorians: Heathcote wine’s long-forgotten past
SINCE the 1970s Heathcote has gained a reputation as a world-class producer of fine wine. However wine grapes were being grown in the area more...
From the pages of the McIvor Times
140 years ago Published 26 September 1884 A TORNADO or cyclone passed over the Cornella, or Mount Pleasant, district on Saturday evening last. It is stated to...
Selling snake oil
DURING the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the pages of the McIvor Times were filled with advertisements spruiking patent medicines and miracle cures. From...
From the pages of the McIvor Times
140 years ago Published 15 August 1884 AS time progresses, the introduction of the new Railway Construction Bill is most anxiously looked forward to by the...
Historic first flight by local inventor
IN 1910, the windswept paddocks of the Spring Plains pastoral run near Mia Mia, south west of Heathcote, were the site of the first...
Early Reminiscences: the origin of the Mia Mia
First published 14 January 1909, THIS account of how the Mia Mia area, south-west of Heathcote, was named was published in the McIvor Times...
The Heathcote Mechanics’ Institute: enrichment and entertainment
MECHANICS' institutes sprang up across Australia during the nineteenth century, and many of the buildings remain in use today. Their primary purpose was to provide...
The age of the bachelors’ ball
HEATHCOTE'S social calendar was filled with dances in the early years of the twentieth century. With no television, and music only from instruments played by...
From the pages of the McIvor Times
140 years ago Published 11 July 1884 ONE of the most important events in the history of this town that has occurred for some time is...
The Redesdale Bridge: shining a light on a hidden historical beauty
ONE of Victoria's oldest and most ornate iron truss bridges can be found nestled in a valley in central Victoria.The Redsdale Bridge, roughly halfway...