About: jordan

Posts by: jordan

July 18, 2023

Self-defence classes aim to help women

BENDIGO Mixed Martial Arts Academy is running six-week self-defence classes for women. BMMA senior instructor Barry Johnson said the classes are aimed at teaching everything...

July 16, 2023

Community club rocks on

THE Bendigo Gem Club has been around for more than fifty years and over that time it has grown beyond just rocks to offer...

July 11, 2023

The club lets you glide on in

BENDIGO Gliding Club has had members and guests falling from the sky, in a safe and fun manner for over thirty years now offering...

July 11, 2023

Grant for business mental health podcasts

THE mental health of local business operators and employees will be the focus of a Be.Bendigo project after the Chamber of Commerce received a...

July 8, 2023

Part of new airport terminal opens

THE second half of the Bendigo Airport terminal expansion is underway with a new entry foyer, baggage check-in, baggage claim and toilets to be...

July 7, 2023

MP backs in changes

CHEAPER childcare, improved paid parental leave, and a pay bump for aged care workers are some changes the Federal Government are touting as cost-of-living...

July 5, 2023

Town Hall to light up for concerts

INTERNATIONAL musical event series Candlelight Concerts is coming to Bendigo’s Town Hall for a three-show run that will include tributes to Hans Zimmer, Queen,...

July 3, 2023

Wineries ready to roll out the barrel

THE Bendigo and Heathcote Barrel Wine Tasting Weekend is back again and seeking to give guests the chance to slip in behind the cellar...

July 2, 2023

International talent launches back home

VIOLINIST Lizzy Welsh is holding a concert at the Old Church on the Hill next weekend to celebrate her debut album The Target Has...

July 2, 2023

Stories and music to tell meaningful tales

AUSTRALIAN music veteran David Bridie is touring his new album It’s Been a While Since Our Last Correspondence with a stop scheduled at the...

July 1, 2023

Packed schedule to heat up winter

THE City of Greater Bendigo’s Ignite Winter campaign was launched last week with the switch flicked on Electric Wonderland in Rosalind Park. During the rest...

June 30, 2023

Community strikes for local VNL team

BENDIGO business and community members have come together to form the Bendigo Strikers, a new netball team that has applied for a place in...

June 30, 2023

Algae warning lifted at lake

BLUE-green algae in Lake Eppalock has dropped below the level required for a warning to be in place for the first time in 160...

June 27, 2023

Female gunsmiths in the sights of history

WHILE digging through old records, staff at Bendigo Regional Archives Centre stumbled across a triggering find. It turns out Bendigo was home to not one,...

June 27, 2023

Funny females to bring the laughs

THE Engine Room is set to play host to some of the country’s funniest women next week as part of this year’s Women of...

June 25, 2023

Weaved art on show

SIX artists who come together to make art pieces out of everyday fabrics and textiles have put their creations on show in the Living...

June 23, 2023

Water storages above 2022 marks

THREE of Coliban Water’s Reservoirs are currently holding higher volumes than at the same time last year. Coliban executive general manager of strategy Jarrah O’Shea...

June 21, 2023

Media workshop on air for budding stars

JOURNALIST and teacher Matt Christie is coming to town next month to hold a radio presenter and podcasting information session at Long Gully Neighbourhood...

June 20, 2023

Comedian to expose his flaws at The Capital

AWARD-winning comedian Troy Kinne is bringing his latest show Made Wrong to The Capital at the end of the month. The star of Kinne Tonight...

June 19, 2023

Fundraising board gets new chair

AN official handover of the role of chair of Bendigo Health’s Fundraising Advisory Board was held last week with Dianne Foggo stepping down and...

June 19, 2023

Sweet creations for Weekly’s celebration

TO coincide with The Australian Women’s Weekly ninetieth birthday exhibition at Bendigo Art Gallery something sugary is on offer. A Sweet Treat Trail has been...

June 17, 2023

Young talent recognised at awards

WINNERS in the City of Greater Bendigo 2023 RAW Arts Awards were revealed at the Capital last week and nominees put on a performance...

June 17, 2023

Cash boost for specialist school

DEPUTY-Premier and Member for Bendigo East, Jacinta Allan, visited a local special needs school last week as part of the State Government’s support package...

June 14, 2023

Wellbeing day a chance to connect

A FREE well-being day that’s aiming to support women dealing with cancer is coming to Bendigo later this month. The event is set for Thursday...