About: jordan

Posts by: jordan

March 14, 2023

Rochy FNC seeking to reconnect community

IN smaller country towns the football and netball club can be the heart and soul that brings the community together, gathering at the local...

March 11, 2023

Prolific artist ready Rotary Easter show

ROB Penno has long had an affiliation with the Rotary Bendigo Easter Art Show with this year’s submission being over the tenth time he’ll...

March 11, 2023

New designs for Pioneers

WITH season 2023 right around the corner, the Bendigo Pioneers will take to the footy field this year in new-look jerseys. The updated strips were...

March 8, 2023

Festival show of sustainable lifestyles

THE Bendigo Sustainability Festival is back at Garden of the Future in While Hill later this month with guest speakers, community groups, and businesses...

March 7, 2023

Find yourself at the biggest Lost Trades Fair ever

THE Lost Trades Fair is coming back to town and it’s promising to be the biggest yet with the event a celebration of skill...

March 6, 2023

Foodshare to serve up Easter book fair

AFTER half-a-century running the much loved Easter Book Fair, the Y Service Club of Bendigo has passed the event to Bendigo Foodshare. The Book Fair...

March 5, 2023

Meet the guest curator for this year’s Writers Fest

AWARD winning author and historian professor Clare Wright has been given the job of helping curate this year’s Bendigo Writers Festival. The 2014 Stella Award...

March 4, 2023

Abandoned cars hit the streets

IF you’ve been driving around Bendigo recently and noticed a large number of abandoned cars on the side of the road, then you are...

March 4, 2023

Painter takes on for Easter Art Show duties

KANGAROO Flat local Col Brown has been announced as the resident artist for this year’s Rotary Bendigo Easter Arts Show. A regular contributor to the...

March 4, 2023

Rochester’s recovery effort far from over

THOUGH the water may have subsided and much of the mud and debris cleaned up, impacts of last year’s flooding in Rochester are still...

March 4, 2023

Feedback sought on ageing action plan

CITY of Greater Bendigo staff are encouraging seniors and others to contribute to a new municipal positive ageing action plan. The draft document includes a...

March 3, 2023

Zero emission plan proposed – City of Greater Bendigo council meeting briefs

A FIVE-point plan was proposed to reduce emissions from municipal operations to net zero by the end of 2030 by the City of Greater...

March 1, 2023

Huge names announced for Writers Fest

SOME of the world’s greatest authors are set to take part in the 2023 Bendigo Writers Festival. Australian’s Helen Garner, Thomas Kenneally and Victor Kelleher...

March 1, 2023

New school a slice of cheese heaven

LONG Paddock Cheese in Castlemaine is opening a new school that all cheese lovers will want to attend, with a two-day advanced class coming...

March 1, 2023

Women’s club seeks new members

THE Bendigo Evening VIEW Club is on the lookout for new members who have a drive for giving back to the community and want...

March 1, 2023

Award for homegrown preventive health effort

BENDIGO Health have picked up a prize at the 2022 Victorian Health Promotion Awards for their program to integrate preventative health advice into routine...

March 1, 2023

Funding for drought prevention on offer

THE Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal and the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation are seeking submissions for drought prevention funding across Central Victoria. The financing...

February 28, 2023

Festival makes proud return

BENDIGO Pride Festival held its media launch last Friday with the unveiling of posters and the advanced program for this year’s event. Local drag icon...

February 27, 2023

Easter festival plans bigger than ever

THE program for this year’s Easter Festival has been revealed and there’s some new events on the agenda to go with the returning traditional...

February 24, 2023

Callout for art as Easter show applications open

THE Bendigo Easter Art Show is calling out for budding and experienced artists to submit their work for this year’s exhibition. The community arts show,...

February 24, 2023

Funding for much needed update

MAIDEN Gully Primary is set to receive upgrades to the school libraries heating and cooling systems following the confirmation of a Federal Government grant. Originally...

February 22, 2023

Opera’s greatest hits coming to the Capital

ONE of Australia’s most well-known operatic sopranos, Antoinette Halloran, is coming to Bendigo to perform the first of a string of hour-long opera matinees...

February 21, 2023

Cancer project gets go ahead

BENDIGO Community Health Services has received State Government funding for a cancer screening project. The effort, titled Cancer service supports for refugee patients in Bendigo...

February 20, 2023

Goldminer chips in for food security costs

BENDIGO Foodshare has received a large donation from Fosterville Gold Mine to help offset the impacts on inflation on the charity’s operations. Rising fuel and...