About: jordan

Posts by: jordan

January 24, 2023

Young doctors pick up rural awards

THREE local doctors were awarded for their outstanding service earlier this week, with them picking up Monash Rural Health Talent awards. All three junior medicos...

January 24, 2023

Why and how you can beat the heat!

AFTER an unprecedently cool few months for this time of the year, the heat has arrived, and swimming season is in full swing. Last week...

January 23, 2023

Day seeks to celebrate our nation

COMMUNITY groups across Greater Bendigo have planned a large range of festivities for this year’s Australia Day celebrations on Thursday, 26 January. The main attraction...

January 22, 2023

Open mic comedy comp coming soon

AUSTRALIA’S biggest stand-up comedy talent search is coming to Bendigo in early March with a small number of slots still available for those who...

January 22, 2023

Original Bee Gee drummer bringing his band to town

HOW deep is your love, for the Bee Gees? Even for the most casual of fans the upcoming Best of the Bee Gees show at...

January 21, 2023

Uni welcomes rural and international students

AFTER a few lean years due to the pandemic, La Trobe University’s Bendigo campus has seen a large uptick in student offers for the...

January 21, 2023

Incident reduction behind pet bylaw push

WITH a decision on proposed new pet bylaws drawing nearer the City of Greater Bendigo is taking public feedback on the issue until Monday,...

January 21, 2023

Volunteers needed as Lifeline calls spike

LIFELINE Loddon Mallee region is currently searching for the next batch of crisis call volunteers to take up positions early this year. With calls coming...

January 20, 2023

Blue-green algae detected at lake

THE public is being warned to avoid contact with water from Lake Eppalock following the recent detection of high levels of blue-green algae. A popular...

January 17, 2023

Community backs Rochy sports gear effort

A RECENT sports equipment drive for the youth of flood affected Rochester has been a great success with donations pouring in from across the...

January 16, 2023

Comedian brining hit show to town

FUNNY man Aidan Jones and his hilarious yet personal story of heading to Colombia to meet his biological father for the first time in...

January 16, 2023

Hospital’s new interns check in

BENDIGO Health welcomed its latest round of interns this week with thirty-nine new doctors taking up roles at Bendigo Hospital for the next year. The...

January 15, 2023

Scars of Beauty to shine light on birth trauma

LOCAL artist Alicia Huddy and friend and educator Emma Jensen are opening a community art exhibition, Scars of Beauty, this February, to help raise...