
A Jean of all trades sure to be missed

September 22, 2023 BY

Hanging up her hat: Heathcote Community House volunteer Jean Saunders (front) will be greatly missed. Photo: STEVE WOMERSLEY

AFTER five years at Heathcote Community House, Jean Saunders is hanging up her volunteer’s hat, at least for now.

Ms Saunders came to the community house five years ago after volunteering at various other organisations for many years.

“I took a break,” she said. “But I got bored and needed something to do, so I started at the community house.”

During her time at the community house, Ms Saunders has filled many roles.

“You name it, I’ve done it,’ she said. “Receptionist, gardening, hospitality, IT and anything that needed doing.

“I’ve enjoyed being with everyone very much. The people here are great company and I’ve made lots of friends.”

Heathcote Community House Co-ordinator, Vicki Forde, said Ms Saunders will be greatly missed.

“Jean has been the smile to greet visitors at the front door and with her quick wit and fabulous laugh, she helped everyone feel welcome and at ease.

“Jean’s support has been invaluable to us all with her great kindness and generosity of both time and spirit.

“We all admire and applaud her ‘I’ll give it a go’ attitude and I think she has surprised even herself with all she has learnt and achieved.”

In her retirement, Jean plans to chill out and catch up with friends and family.

“But who knows; perhaps I’ll get bored again and I’ll be back looking for something to do.”