
A new school era begins

February 2, 2024 BY

Ready to learn and play: Hannah, Foundation year teacher Ashlea Rigg, Dorothy and Patrick on the first day of school at Holy Rosary. Photo: BRENDAN McCARTHY

NEW foundation students at both Holy Rosary and Heathcote Primary Schools have settled in well and are eager to learn according to their new teachers.

The first time pupils started school on Tuesday.

“They all seem really excited,” said Holy Rosary teacher Ashlea Rigg. “There were a few nerves but for the most part they were excited to start their school lives.

“It’s always good to see new students lifting their bags up onto the hooks for the first time.

“I think it’s going to be a good year.”

Holy Rosary principal Paul Dullard said the new students were all familiar with the school after the Flying Start program last year.

“They are familiar with the school and both those with siblings and the new families are feeling comfortable.

“They are fitting in beautifully and we are looking forward to seeing them growing and learning.”

It was a similar story at Heathcote Primary School.

“They have all settled in really well and seem very eager to learn,” said foundation teacher Kym Childs.

“There are lots of smiling faces and they are excited to be at school.

“All of them are getting on well together. Many were already friends at kinder and the others are happy making new friends.”