Advance Heathcote reflects on success

March 24, 2023 BY

Back in office: Vice-president Elise Wright, treasurer Sherrie Coote, president Peter Maine, secretary Kerstin Brauns and committee members Lisa Davidson and Pat Armstrong. Photo: PETER WEAVING

LAST Monday’s Advance Heathcote annual general meeting has showcased the organisation’s achievements for the 2021-22 financial year.

President, Peter Maine, said there had been several highlights over the reporting period.

“We finally completed the 2021-25 community plan in February 2022 as it was delayed due to COVID challenges,” he said.

He also said the committee had continued to build strong working relationships with the City of Greater Bendigo which were invaluable when advocating for key community issues such as footpaths, parking and roads and other council related matters.

“We launched the Welcome to New Residents Pack and the Heathcote Community Directory,” he said.

Other notable achievements for the group included ongoing projects like pushing for water fluoridation, a skate park redevelopment, the safer town working group, the establishment of a youth forum, and the Heathcote dementia working group.

Finally, Mr Maine also addressed the recent failure to secure an operator for the proposed Heathcote dementia village/ Gilbruk Place development and said this was largely due to uncertainty around Federal Government funding for aged care.

As part of the meeting, current Advance Heathcote office bearers were re-elected unopposed.

The committee currently comprises president Peter Maine, vice-president Elise Wright, secretary Kerstin Brauns, treasurer Sherrie Coote and ordinary committee members Pat Armstrong and Lisa Davidson.