Art sought for Rotary’s annual Easter show

Quality: Rotary Bendigo's Graeme Clarke said he was thrilled with last year's submissions to the Easter Art Show and is looking forward to seeing this year's entries. Photo: FILE
ARTISTS in the region and beyond are being invited to submit their work to Rotary’s Bendigo’s Easter Art Show.
Last year, the exhibition showcased more than 800 paintings and raised $35,000 for the club’s projects locally and further afield.
“It was fantastic,” said program chair Graeme Clarke. “It was a very good response. The quality of the artwork is being lifted all the time every year.”
While the annual exhibition used to only feature local entrants, growth of the event in part due to modern technologies has enabled interstate artists to enter their works.
However, Mr Clarke said the organisation still primarily encourages local talent to get involved.
“We have artwork come from Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, whereas historically it’s been coming from a much more succinct area, say, generally 50 kilometres around Bendigo,” he said.
“We try to look after the local artists.”
Last year, more than 20 per cent of paintings at the art show were purchased.
“People send their artwork to us because they know it is likely to be sold,” said Mr Clarke.
All levels of artist are welcome to enter up to four paintings in the exhibition, and the accompanying competition, and have a chance at winning a prize.
The main rules are that the piece must primarily be painted by hand, no digital works, the work cannot exceed a certain size, and it cannot be considered pornographic.
Artists have a chance at selling their artwork for a nominated price and if purchased, Rotary Bendigo takes 25 per cent.
Held at Bendigo Town Hall, there will be a preview for the show on Thursday 28 March while the exhibition runs from Friday 29 March to Monday 1 April.
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