Bulb diggers set to descend on gardens

October 22, 2023 BY

Purple patch: Big crowds are expected at the City of Greater Bendigo annual tulip dig. Photo: FILE

DUST off your garden gloves and trowels, the City of Greater Bendigo’s annual tulip dig is nearly here.

Now the blooms are almost finished, gardeners of all ages are invited unearth bulbs they can take home to plant in their own gardens.

Municipal parks and open space manager Christ Mitchell said big crowds are expected and urged participants to dig with respect.

“This year there will be a four-bag limit with bags supplied by the City on entry at a cost of $5 per bag,” he said.

“City staff will pre-loosen the soil in the garden beds so only small hand trowels and digging tools are permitted to retrieve bulbs.

“Therefore, no shovels or hoes can be brought into the gardens for safety reasons on the day.”

Approximately 30,000 tulip bulbs are planted by City gardeners each year, so green thumbs will have plenty to dig for.

The tulip dig will commence at 9am on Tuesday 24 October in the Conservatory Gardens.

The event is cashless and payments can be made by card only and BYO bags, shovels, and hoes are not permitted.