Cash boost for specialist school

Educational: Parent Leah Thomas, Bendigo SDS Principal Kirshy McAinch and NDIS navigator Meaghan Holmes have welcomed spending on disability support for specialist schools. Photo: JORDAN McCARTHY
DEPUTY-Premier and Member for Bendigo East, Jacinta Allan, visited a local special needs school last week as part of the State Government’s support package for additional needs students.
Speaking at Bendigo Special Development School, Ms Allan said the Government has allocated $235 million from the recent budget for program statewide.
“It’s providing real and practical support for students, for teachers and support staff in special development schools,” she said.
“It’s practical support because the package has been co-designed by teachers and parents who have told us directly about the additional support they need.”
The funding will go towards things like the introduction of NDIS navigators at specialist schools, the building of hydrotherapy pools, and student transport.
Bendigo Special Development School principal Kirshy McAinch said the money will also support existing programs.
“It’s an incredible investment for all of our students,” she said. “We’ve been fortunate here at Bendigo SDS to have had a snapshot into some of these incredible supports.
“We have had a funded after-school outside-school care program for our students.
“OSHcare programs don’t normally exist for 14-year-old students, who need support with their social and emotional regulation.
“We are just so thrilled that the successes we’ve seen here are now going to be available to other schools and other special schools across the state.”
Family support teacher at Bendigo SDS and NDIS navigator Meaghan Holmes said the funding could also go towards things like building upgrades.
“Anything that will help the students helps the community,” she said. “We’ve got students in wheelchairs that have to travel to use a toilet, and that means a staff member out of the classroom.
“It might be half an hour till the student gets back to class to learn. We need to have facilities close by so students can always come back to their learning quickly.
“We need places where students can take a break if they need to control their emotions or take a breather. At the moment we are so short of space.”