Changes afoot for planning scheme

New boundaries: If approved by the State planning minister, downtown Bendigo could have better-defined rules around heritage and development. Photo: FILE
CITY of Greater Bendigo council has given the go ahead to a series of changes to the municipal planning scheme.
The changes, officially known as Planning Scheme Amendment C279gben, will now be sent to the Victorian Minister for Planning for approval and are not expected to be realised for another 12 to 18 months.
The amendment follows the adoption of the Bendigo City Centre Plan in May 2020, which recommended the introduction of better-defined precincts, heritage guidelines, zones and overlays.
“The Bendigo City Centre Plan was developed to provide vision and clear direction to manage growth in the city centre,” said municipal director of strategy and growth Steve Hamilton.
“The Planning Amendment C279gben with its supporting documents have been prepared to implement this.
“The proposed amendment will provide a logical strategic planning framework that’s clearer, less complex, and more responsive to allow for a well-designed compact city to thrive and flourish.”
The amendment also takes in the council’s Stage 2 Heritage Study, which advocates for revising the Bendigo Civic and Commercial Precinct to create two precincts, removing the Upper Reserve from the Rosalind Park Precinct to create a stand-alone precinct, and applying heritage overlays to four new individual heritage locations.
“Heritage is at the forefront of consideration when it comes to understanding how the city has changed over time and how it will continue to change into the future,” Mr Hamilton said.
“The built environment heritage of Bendigo is central to its appeal and attraction and is part of our city’s DNA.
“To preserve the heritage value of the City Centre, we need to now take a conservative approach to any changes to heritage buildings and streetscapes.”
Locals will get the chance to have their say on the amendment when it is put on public exhibition.