Cleeland to host flood talks ahead of inquiry

August 25, 2023 BY

Water focused: Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, is hosting a meet and great in Seymour ahead of a visit by a State Parliamentary flood Inquiry. Photo: SUPPLIED

COMMUNITY members impacted by the October 2022 floods will be able to meet with Nationals Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, and two of her party room colleagues next month in Seymour.

Ms Cleeland will welcome Member for Eastern Victoria, Melinda Bath, and Member for Northern Victoria, Gaelle Broad, who were both involved with the Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee’s Inquiry into the 2002 Victorian Flood Event.

The trio are set to meet with residents, businesses and community groups impacted by last year’s floods on Tuesday, 5 September, as they tour the area.

Seymour is set to host public hearings for the inquiry on 14 September.

“Having our local voices guide the change needed for the community is so important and will demonstrate how powerful community advocacy can be,” said Ms Cleeland.

Ms Cleeland extended an invitation to individuals and businesses throughout the region who have not yet received their flood support payments to contact her at via her office.