Comedian brining hit show to town

Spicy laughs: Aidan Jones is set to perform his stand-up show Taco in Bendigo for the final time next week. Photo: SUPPLIED
FUNNY man Aidan Jones and his hilarious yet personal story of heading to Colombia to meet his biological father for the first time in 2020 is coming to The Engine Room on Friday, 20 January.
It will be the final time that Jones will be performing his hit show Taco on stage, a show that he has loved doing over the past several years.
“I’ve been doing this show for close to two years and it’s been a ride that has built slowly and surely. I’m very proud of it, I’m very proud of the show that I have put together,” he said.
“It’s my third or fourth hour long show and it’s been the one that has got me a lot more attention nationally and from the comedy industry.”
The performance was initially meant to take place last year, but some unforeseen circumstances meant that original dates had to be changed.
“I was supposed to do this show just after the Queen died and it was meant to be on the day the public holiday then fell,” he said.
“The penalty rates were going to be double and half to run the show, so I was just going to lose money.”
Jones is more than happy that the change of dates meant his final time performing the show would be in Bendigo, long having had an affiliation with the town.
“It’s nice that it’s in Bendigo. My cousin and his wife live there, and she has never seen me do comedy before,” he said.
“I’m in Bendigo two or three times a year, I actually spent Christmas there. Plus I have a few mates in town, so it’s really nice to finish up there.”
As for the show itself, the crowd can expect “a lot of jokes and some stories” but may also find themselves getting involved.
“There is a bit of talking s*** with the audience, I like to mess around with them and if something fun happens I will follow that thread,” Jones said.
But more than anything, Jones wants there to be a genuine connection with the audience, hoping they can emotionally relate to aspects of his story.
“I feel like when you tell stories, even when it’s nothing like what has happened to the audience, people can still connect to it on an emotional level,” he said.
“When you tell a true story, the emotions are there, and people connect to that more than something that isn’t true just for a joke.”