Comedian to expose his flaws at The Capital

June 20, 2023 BY

Hilarity: Comedian, Troy Kinne, is bringing his new stand-up show to The Capital. Photo: SUPPLIED

AWARD-winning comedian Troy Kinne is bringing his latest show Made Wrong to The Capital at the end of the month.

The star of Kinne Tonight and Have You Been Paying Attention said the show is a commentary on the social media-dominated world we live in.

“It’s a show where threaded through it, is a theme of things that are essentially wrong with me both medically and physically,” he said.

“Because I’ve noticed one of my biggest pet hates at the moment is that social media just puts so much pressure on us to portray the perfect version of ourselves.

“I was getting sick of it and complaining about it you know it’s no good for kids, our future, who think that you have to be the perfect version of yourself. Nothing else can be posted or shown in public.

“I thought if I’m going to whine about it so much, I should probably preach it a little bit.”

Kinne said opening up about his own flaws will hopefully give others the courage to do the same.

“That’s the idea, me making myself vulnerable,” he said. “Admitting some embarrassing things, and letting it be known that I’ve got lots of things wrong with me that I wish I didn’t.

“Things that I would never voluntarily post on Instagram and stuff like that, but I am opening up to the audience to talk about it.

“So that’s basically it. An attempt to give people the courage to showcase the things that aren’t perfect about them as well.”

Troy Kinne, Made Wrong, is set for The Capital Theatre at 8pm Wednesday 28 June with tickets available here at