Council meeting to take centre stage

In the spotlight: The next City of Greater Bendigo council meeting is set for The Capital theatre in the Bendigo Bank Theatre following storm damage to Town Hall. Photo: FILE
JANUARY’S regular City of Greater Bendigo council meeting has been moved to a new venue.
The relocation to The Capital theatre comes after water damaged the council chamber during a 2 January storm.
Water got in to the meeting room via a light fitting and mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf said other spaces in Town Hall were also affected by the wild weather.
“That rain event caused damage to the council chamber and also meeting rooms on the ground floor directly below,” she said.
“The repair process is underway but will not be fixed in time for the January council meeting.”
A public gallery will be available during the meeting at The Capital and the event also marks the return of questions without notice.
During the second half of 2023, the municipality trailed pre-submitted questions from the public with disruptions to council meetings as a reason.
However, that process has been scrapped with open and unvetted questions now back on the agenda.
“Council is confident public question time can return to normal procedures but there will always be an option to change our procedures if there is a risk that meetings cannot safely and respectfully take place,” said Cr Metcalf.
The next City of Greater Bendigo regular council meeting is scheduled for Monday, 29 January from 6pm.