
Course has chainsaw safety focus

September 8, 2023 BY

Ready to learn: Charlie Bongailis, Monica Bongailis and Sylvia Crewe prepare to discover Safe Use and Maintenance of Chainsaws. Photo: SUPPLIED

PLACES are filling quickly but there are still a few available for the Safe Use and Maintenance of Chainsaws course to be held at Heathcote Community House on Sunday September 24.

The course is subsidised by the Victorian Emergency Recovery Hub program and participants only need to pay $30 to take part, with lunch included.

“The floods in October 2022 impacted greatly on our community,” said Community House co-ordinator Vicki Forde.

“This is one of many upcoming events we have planned to help with resilience, mental health and emergency recovery.”

The course will be facilitated by ZAP Studio trainer Ceilidh Meo and covers the safe use and maintenance of chainsaws for beginners and runs from 10am to 3pm.

Information on both two-stroke and electric chainsaws will be included, techniques for cutting felled trees, safety considerations, maintaining chainsaws, and collecting firewood on public land in Victoria.

Participants are required to wear closed toe shoes while personal protective equipment, work gloves, eye, head and hearing protection will be supplied.

Theory will be covered in the morning, then participants will travel to the nearest firewood collection area for supervised practical cutting experience.

“It is important for people to be confident in the use of chainsaws,” said Ms Forde. “Not only for day-to-day use but in emergency situations when help could be delayed.

“We have more events planned in conjunction with the Emergency Recovery Hub, designed not only for recovery but for future emergencies.”

Bookings for the courses are being taken via the Heathcote Community House on 5433 2820 or email [email protected].6